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Xebia Solutions


A fully managed data migration tool to transfer data from RDBMS to Snowflake

Migrate Data From RDBMS to Snowflake - With Ease and Flexibility.

XFlake is a fully managed data migration tool that makes it easy to migrate data from RDBMS on-prem/cloud to Snowflake. The tool comes fully equipped with UI driven configuration, so no manual intervention is needed. The tool provides flexibility to define source table names with or without custom query through self-serve UI.

Other features include an on-demand job trigger and iin the case of high-volume tables, it can be scaled on demand if required

Techologies used

PySpark, AWS Lambda, AWS Glue, AWS S3.

Installation process

XFlake is installed as iPaaS (Integration Platform as a Service).


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How to migrate

Migrating Data From RDMBS to Snowflake Made Easy.

Migrating data from RDMBS to Snowflake is easy.


 XFlake is set up in four short and simple steps.

1. Log in to Xflake
2. Set up your transfer by choosing the data source, account, and the schema you'd like to use.
3. Put snowflake destination account details where you'd like to move your data.
4. You've now got your data flowing into Snowflake.





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